Convex Deltahedra
These are all the
convex polyhedra made from equilateral triangles
4 sides:
6 sides:
triangular dipyramid (J12)
(glue two tetrahedra together)
8 sides:
10 sides:
pentagonal dipyramid (J13)
(glue two
pentagonal pyramid
s together)
12 sides:
snub disphenoid (J84)
(split a tetrahedron into two wedges and join them with a band of eight triangles.)
14 sides:
triaugmented triangular prism (J51)
(attach three
square pyramid
s to a
triangular prism
16 sides:
gyroelongated square dipyramid (J17)
(attach two
square pyramid
s to a
square antiprism
20 sides:
Virtual Polyhedra
(c) 1996,George W. Hart